Monday, July 26, 2021

Mugs and Musings: Slowing Down and *Actually* Enjoying Summer

Last year I made a post about how I was already ready for fall... in July. And I was about to give in to making fall pillowcases. (Spoiler: didn't happen. I still don't have fall pillowcases.)

There won't be a post like that this year, because this year, I'm learning to embrace summer. Every part of it. The hot humid weather, the afternoon rain, and the ice cream. Oh, I'm eating ALL the ice cream. 

Lately God has been pricking my heart to slow down and learn to live in and enjoy the moment instead of yearning for something I don't have right now. I don't want to live my whole life wishing away time, but rather I want to fully enjoy every season, be it fall or winter or a specific season of life.

I'm trying to take each day slower and enjoy the little moments -- a cup of tea on the porch, cuddling with Casey on the couch, lunch with a friend, washing my face in the evening by candlelight. 

And, crazily enough, it's working. I've truly been enjoying summer. Now, that doesn't mean I don't have moments when I think, "I'm ready for cooler weather," or autumnal clothes, or fall decor, but when I find my thoughts drifting that way, I try to remind myself about all the awesome summer things. And then I realize that summer is quickly passing and it actually makes me a little bit sad! 

Yesterday Casey and I were working on stuff outside and it was sooooo hot. So I reminded myself that sweat is good for the body. And then I walked barefoot in the grass. (For someone who HATES being barefoot, I truly enjoyed it.) And then I walked my bare feet into a puddle and splashed around for a bit. And then I put on shoes and we walked to the post office and back--a 45 minute walk--and enjoyed the weather and talking about the beautiful houses in our neighborhood. 

There are beautiful parts and sucky parts to every season. I have the opportunity to choose what I focus on. 

I can either be annoyed by sweating through my dress or thankful that my body is doing a good job sweating and that I'm blessed enough to have a washing machine. I can recognize that a snowball is soooo much better on a hot day than a cold one. I can enjoy all my flowy dresses and my comfy new sandals. 

Slowing down, focusing on my blessings, taking advantage of those beautiful parts of summer... that's how life is going right now. And I'm truly loving it.

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