Monday, May 30, 2022

Wedding Quilts for my Besties

Two of my besties, Julianne and Sarah, got married this year! Julianne married my brother-in-law in January and Sarah married Zach (whom I've known since he was a child) in March. I wanted to make them each a wedding quilt, and I just finished Sarah's and Zach's, so I want to share them!

Julianne and Caleb's Quilt

This turned out to be the coziest quilt because the backing is a super soft sheet I thrifted. This quilt was made entirely from scraps and recycled materials, which is my fave kind of quilt. Every fabric has a story, and some of the fabrics were given to me by Julianne. As a fabric and second-hand collector herself, I knew Julianne would love it. She's assured me it's been plenty loved already.

Sarah and Zach's Quilt

I LOVE how this turned out. I did buy fabric for it because I wanted it to be in colors that went with their home, but I also wanted it to have a somewhat scrappy feel, so I did all the hearts in different fabrics. They're mostly from JoAnn, but some were already in my collection. The heart is from the Heirloom Hearts quilt by Lo and Behold Stitchery. I love that pattern, but didn't want to make the 9-patch blocks. 

The patchwork backing was not in the original plan. I was originally on task to finish this quilt before the wedding, but got sick and couldn't finish in time. While hanging out with Sarah the week before the wedding, she randomly showed me a patchwork quilt while she was scrolling Pinterest, so I thought it would be cool to make the backing of her quilt inspired by that photo. I used the scraps from the fat quarters I'd bought (a lovely way to reuse them since they aren't my style) plus some others in my scrap bins. I adore how this turned out and will probably do more patchwork quilts/backings in an attempt to use up some of my scraps.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Currently Sewing #2

I really love these posts because it helps me realize what I've actually accomplished and what I need to prioritize in the sewing room.

Recently Finished

Pink Everyday Dress

This dress turned out simple and cute just like I wanted. The problem? I have no idea what the fabric content is but there is no way it's cotton. It's pretty hot. So now I want to find some pink cotton and make another pink everyday dress.

Strawberry Dress

This is my new favorite dress and currently my most favorite thing I've ever made. My goal was to finish it in time for the Strawberry Fest last month, but we were making and selling cookies and I had no time to finish the dress. BUT it does not need to be Strawberry Fest for me to wear this adorable dress!

Maisel's Harness

This turned out so cute! It's a little small for her (I based it off a harness she already had but... she's gained a little weight). 

Working on

White floral dress

I thrifted this cute fabric thinking it would make a cute quilt back. Until I saw Amanda from ModernJuneCleaver make a dress out of the same fabric. And then I realized this fabric was meant to be a dress. I'm still working on the bodice (currently finishing off the neckline). The sleeves are going to be puffy. I've been thinking about doing a few layers of the skirt, but it depends on how much fabric I've got left. So... I guess future me will be able to tell you later what I chose!

Sarah and Zach's Quilt

While I was hanging out with Sarah during wedding prep, she came across a cute patchwork quilt on Pinterest that she showed me. She had no idea I had that same photo pinned, and I decided to use it as inspiration and make a patchwork backing for her quilt. Now, this definitely added A LOT of time to construction, but I think it is fun and was an amazing way to use up a bunch of scraps, especially since most of the fabrics I'd chosen for her quilt weren't my style and I was wondering what I was gonna do with them. I might start doing more patchwork quilt backs as a way to use more scraps!

Eye spy Quilt

Still an ongoing project. I felt like working on it a little yesterday and got another block finished and a few blocks sewn together. This will probably be a fave quilt when it's done.

Things on my to-do list

Summer Scrappy QAL: Yeah I haven't worked on this one. Maybe once Sarah and Zach's quilt is done I'll pull this one out and spend an afternoon on it.

Finish vintage quilt top: I thrifted a vintage quilt top (I think it's made of flour sacks) and I want to turn it into a quilt. I think I may skip the batting so it can be a thin summer quilt, perfect for picnics. I need to pick backing fabric and binding.

Finish cutting Fresh as a Daisy quilt: I started this a long time ago. There is so. much. cutting. I need to just make a few blocks to get the momentum going. But probably I should focus on one quilt at a time.

Did I mention I started a log cabin quilt too? It's been a while back and I had 4 blocks finished. It will be a cool quilt when I finish, but it's def not a priority now.

Mending pile: I don't even wanna talk about it.

Life Lately Brain Dump

Just a few things about life lately!

SALT. I've been a part of SALT since 2011 and it's one of my favorite things in the world. Planning has been ongoing for the last few months and now it's crunch time. Between handling stuff for SALT and making sure we're prepped and ready (HOW did we just realize that Casey doesn't even have a week's worth of pants??), volunteer days, and trying to finish a wedding quilt (for Sarah and Zach who got married 2 months ago)... things are busy!

Easy Dinners. That's what's on the menu. Sandwiches, spaghetti, hot dogs, grilled cheese. I keep reminding myself it's just a season, and the important thing is to feed my family.

Name what matters. This is a principle I've learned from the Lazy Genius (Kendra Adachi) and it's been helping me so much. Like with easy dinners. What matters during this season of life? Not fancy meals, not healthy meals. Just... meals. As someone who would love to have more veggies and variety in her meals, it felt like a fail to admit that those just can't be my priorities right now. But man, how good it feels to just let myself be okay with "feed my family." 

The Lazy Genius. I. Am. Obsessed. Ob-sessed. I don't remember how I found her podcast last year, but I listened to a few episodes then borrowed The Lazy Genius audiobook from my library. It was so good and I loved her principles. Now I follow her on instagram, listen to a few of her podcasts a week while I do chores, and her newest book, The Lazy Genius Kitchen, will be delivered to my doorstep today. Applying her principles "Name What Matters" and "The Magic Question" are helping me to prioritize things. I'm on the waiting list for The Lazy Genius audiobook because I want to give it another listen. 

Sewing. I'm stealing moments here and there to sew. I finished my strawberry dress and it might just be my most favorite thing I've ever made. I need to make another Currently Sewing post. Those are a great way for me to keep up with what I've made and need to work on. My current goal is to finish Sarah and Zach's wedding quilt in the next week and a half. I have some extra time this week so I hope to at least get a good amount done on it.