Monday, August 27, 2018

The Waiting Game

*I'm currently doing a study of David and want to share with you what I learn along the way! Today we're in 1 Samuel 16.*

I really hate the DMV. And the social security office. Because it doesn’t matter when I go in, I’m going to have to wait. I usually take a book with me, which makes the wait more bearable, but it still stinks and I just feel like my life is slowing wasting away. Am I being a bit dramatic?

No matter what, waiting sucks. Waiting on your food (I get hangry), waiting for your Amazon package (whatever happened to that drone delivery idea?), waiting at the red light (did you know you’ll spend about 6 months of your life waiting at red lights? whyyyyyy?).

As humans, we’re programmed to be impatient (at least I think most of us are) and it especially doesn’t help in this day in age. We are the “microwave” generation. We like things to be done NOW. But God isn’t a NOW God. He’s an ON TIME God. And unfortunately for us, NOW is usually not the same as ON TIME.

Let’s look at David for an example. (David’s my favorite.)

Before David became king, Israel was ruled by King Saul. Now King Saul had started off a good ruler—God had anointed him and equipped him with the ability to be a good king and a good military leader. But Saul didn’t put God first and ultimately ended up disobeying God, and God was obviously not okay with that.

It was then time to prep the future king of Israel—David! God sent Samuel the prophet to anoint David. Since King Saul was still reigning, it had to be done in secret. Only David and his family knew. Once David was anointed as the future king, God’s spirit left King Saul and instead rested upon David.

You’d think by the next chapter David would be king, right? But NO! In fact, he was still a ways away from being king. BUT in the very same chapter, God set up an opportunity for David to start king lessons. (Kind of like those princess lessons in The Princess Diaries movies, except the king didn’t know he was teaching lessons to the future king. So I guess it’s not really like the Princess Diaries.) David was invited to King Saul’s court to become his own personal musician. King Saul loved him so much that he made David his armor bearer! So David was able to gain firsthand information about leading a nation since he was right next to Saul, who, though he no longer had God’s spirit upon him, still had those awesome leadership abilities and was still leading Israel in victories over their enemies.

David still has a lot of things to go through before he will become king. He has a lot to learn. He has situations to go through that will force him to rely on God. He will find himself in leadership positions that will allow him to grow and become the leader that Israel needs.

David has a promise from God but he still has to wait.

God has a plan and a promise for everyone. For you. Perhaps He’s given you a direct and clear promise and you’re wondering when it’s going to come. I have some of those. I literally have no clue how or when He will do it. But I know that it will come in the right time. In the meantime, I’m going to grow where I’m planted and allow the Lord to mold me into the person I need to be for his plan to take shape.

I encourage you to do the same thing. It’s easy to get weary in waiting, but use it as an opportunity to bloom where you are and let God grow you and show you some things. He may need to work on you still. He may have some things He needs to teach you first. Allow God to use this time to shape you into the person He needs you to be to experience the fullness of His promise.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I don't know about you, but I'm feeling... 27??? I'm almost to 30! How did I get this old? Like, have I accomplished what 27 year olds are supposed to? I've never even taken my own car to get an inspection... like, how do I adult?

Thankfully age is just a number and life is wonderful and I had strawberry cake and gold number balloons for my birthday. I've loved those big gold balloons since they started popping up all over the place and was afraid they'd no longer be cool by the time I turn 28. So mom and I picked some up before a small family dinner at one of my fave Italian restaurants.

We road tripped back to Bossier for my birthday weekend so I could spend time with family and friends and also because my home church was having their kids revival! Casey and I are in kids ministry and love going to kids revivals. We've been to four since July! The one in Bossier was superhero themed so... we dressed up, of course.

Oxford's Robin costume was Casey's idea. (Even though he didn't go, he looked fantastic.)

All in all, 27 is definitely looking good. I'm so excited to see what all God has in store for us this year. I'm hoping to make another missions trip to Singapore and would love to have another trip as well, but we shall see! I feel like I should make some "27" goals or something. Hmmm... I'll think on it.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Seek First

But seek first the kingdom of God… Matthew 6:33

What’s the first thing you do each day? For me, it’s making the bed. I haven’t always been a bed-maker. A few years ago, my mentor sent me some words by Admiral William McRaven. It encouraged me to start making my bed every day, and it’s been an easy and rewarding habit to incorporate into my life. It literally takes less than a minute, and then my bed (and, therefore, my bedroom) looks nice every time I walk in.

Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project (disclaimer: I haven’t read it), says, “Your bed is a symbol of you. There’s something about having your bed feel orderly that makes your life feel that way.”

About a week ago, I was having a rough morning. I was awake earlier than normal with my mind racing about things I needed to do and things I wasn’t doing that I should be. Since I was up earlier than normal, I decided to start my Jesus time earlier too.

I opened my Bible to the scripture I’d been led to the day before as I wrote "I can do it myself". Funny enough, grace had not been the topic I was going to write about that day. I’d started to write something along the lines of “Are you giving your all to God, or just a part of yourself?” But as I wrote, something else poured out, and I found myself writing about God’s grace.

So on that rough morning, I decided I would just continue reading from the verse I’d been reading (Hebrews 4:16), hoping that God would give me a word of encouragement for the day. I read the page and moved on to the next where there was a prayer written out. (I was reading this Bible, which has devotions and prayers scattered throughout.) It was for “When I don’t feel good enough.” I read the words aloud, feeling every single one, and spoke truth over my life that when I don’t feel good enough, Jesus is good enough.

I checked to see which scriptures the prayer coordinated with… it was the verse I’d written about the day before. And I realized that I had to ask God for grace to help me once again. I didn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed. I came before Him boldly, knowing He had what I needed.

After asking Him for grace, I thanked him for giving me what I needed at the right moment, and thought about how it was so amazing that He’d given me the day before a word I needed for the next day. I felt a nudge in my spirit saying, “If you come to me first, I’ll give you what you need.”

So many days I wake up, make my bed, wash my face, then find myself doing a few tasks-- laundry, dishes, picking up the living room--before I speak to God. These aren’t bad things to do, as those tasks are what keep my home nice for my family. But many times those things lead to me doing other things and before I know it I’ve gotten my day started without God.

As I reflected on the words He gave me, I realized that He will give me what I need right now. It might be an encouraging word, a particular scripture, peace, or grace. But I also believe He was saying that He will also give me what I need for later today, too. Or He might give me something today that I’ll need tomorrow. He can help me in my current need, with my current situation, thoughts, and emotions, but He will also equip me with what I need to face the rest of today, and face tomorrow and the rest of this week.

But He can’t give me what I need for the rest of today if I don’t come to him this morning.

I’m still going to make the bed as soon as I get out every morning, starting my day with an accomplishment. But I know that making my bed won’t make my life feel near as “orderly” as that morning time with Jesus.

I’m giving God my mornings. My “first thing.” So yes, first thing I’ll still make the bed and wash my face, and probably sometimes grab breakfast or start the laundry, but I’m not going to start my day without Him. Because I need Him today and tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life.