Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Taking Care of My Temple (aka Self Care)

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17

In the last few months, I've been realizing I need to take better care of myself. Self care has been a thing all over the internet lately, but sometimes I find it hard to make a point to care for myself. But my mindset changes when I realize that taking care of myself is taking care of God's temple, and I want a beautiful temple for Him to live in. Not just physically beautiful, but I believe that temple care/self care also includes the mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

I read this verse this morning and I began thinking about how I already take care of my temple and what changes I can make in the future to take even better care of my temple. I truly believe that in order to accomplish any goal, we must take baby steps, or "small wins" as my mentor likes to say. It's a lot easier to accomplish one big goal when we break it up into a lot of little ones. Plus it gives us a reason to celebrate every milestone instead of feeling like we're so far away from the big goal.

I'm working on a post about a few things I currently do to take care of my temple (aka self care), but here are some other things that will be on my baby steps list.

  • Switch to clean/natural body products. I'm in the process of making this switch, but I know it will take a while. My goal is to replace my current products with clean products as I run out. I've been doing some research on clean products, and one problem is that they are more expensive! However, I know it is worth it in the long run! I will still be shopping for good prices though because I'm so frugal!
  • Eat cleaner. I used to do a really good job at eating clean, but then my life turned upside down and that was not a thing I prioritized anymore. However, when I reflect, I realize that while I may have been eating healthier, my head was not in good health. I began to think I was better than everyone else who didn't eat as healthy as I did, and that is not good mental health! I'd like to eventually begin to eat cleaner again, but I want to make sure my brain "eats clean" as well.
  • Spend more time in the Word. It's amazing how reading the Word of God makes my brain feel "cleaner"! This helps take care of both my spiritual and mental health! I'd love to get back to "Meditation Mondays" and sharing what I've been reading lately or reflecting on sermons I've heard.
  • Drink more water. When I got my first office job out of college, I started drinking more water because refilling my water bottle gave me a reason to get up from my desk. I noticed that the frequent headaches I used to have went away! Turns out, I was dehydrated and didn't know it! I'd say I do a pretty good job at drinking water, but I think I can do even better!
  • Exercise. A few months ago I stared doing yoga videos on YouTube. I've really enjoyed it! I'm not a person who enjoys most forms of exercise, but yoga is something I can do and enjoy. I also love taking walks with Casey and Oxford. I'd love to eventually incorporate more exercise as my body becomes stronger. 
  • Pamper! This kind of goes along with the first one, but I want to make it a habit to enjoy taking care of myself! Maybe this means painting my nails, enjoying long baths, doing face and hair masks, etc. I want to slow down and enjoy taking care of my temple.
  • Get off the phone. I'm so bad about being on my phone on Instagram or Facebook! I don't think this constant social media is good for me, but it's so hard to take a break! So I'd like to start purposefully taking time off from social media.
I definitely have lots of things I can work on! Thankfully I know I don't have to do them all at once—it would be almost impossible! I want to make sure the changes in my life are sustainable, so I will work on incorporating them slowly. How about you join me? What is one thing you can start doing to better care for your temple?

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