Wednesday, January 13, 2016

(Ice) Cream and Black (Coffee)

dress: Dainty Jewell's | cardigan: Target | tights: gift from Julianne (probably from Target) | shoes: don't remember
PC: Rachel

I am stepping out of my comfort zone. That's right. I'm wearing black tights with a cream dress. *gasp!*

I saw the idea on Pinterest. Sometimes people put together clothing combinations and I look at them and think, now why didn't I come up with that? I mean, it's simple really. Cream dress. Black tights. It's easier than math. 

Post-inspiration, it's still fun to add my own touches, like these super cute tights from Julianne. They're so fun, yet the black and gold is fairly subtle. 

Oh, and THIS DRESS. I love it. I bought it for a bridesmaid dress and I wear it all. the. time. I heart modest dresses, and Dainty Jewell's has some cute ones. I like this one so much I'm contemplating getting it in a light pink color as well. This dress is so fantastic because, if I'm in a hurry, all I have to do is add a pair of shoes--heels, flats, wedges, boots--and I look cute with minimal effort. Perfect for those of us who prefer sleeping in to waking up early and putting actual effort into her appearance. I, for one, have an amazing relationship with my nice comfy bed, so simple is always in style.


  1. I really love the black and cream combo, need to try this :-)
