Sunday, December 6, 2015

How She Came to Be the Famous JB

I'm currently sitting in front of a fire that was roaring only a few hours ago as I watched White Christmas. The fire is dwindling, but I'm still in high spirits from the dancing and the singing. I'm pretty sure White Christmas is the most perfect Christmas movie ever. Fantastic dancing, beautiful costumes, lovely songs, hilarious actors, and sweet moments.

I am a blogger. First off, yep, totally switching subjects without warning. Secondly, I realize that statement sounds premature as this is only my first post. However, this is blog number nine for me if I'm keeping track correctly. Some of them have come and gone, some still remain, even if I don't keep up with them as I once did. For some reason, I just can't stay away. I think it's because I can't stop writing things. All the things. Blog posts, journal entries, books. My heart loves words.

Life is taking me places I never dreamed I'd be. Some good. Some bad. But, as the shirt my best friend gave me says, everything is going to be awesome. And I want a place to document that awesomeness.

So let's play get to know JB.

Basics: I'm JB (hi). I have the cutest puppy in the world and his name is Oxford. He is named after my favorite comma. He makes me happy every day and loves me like no one has ever loved before. (Yes, his love for me puts Buttercup and Wesley's love to shame.) I am twenty-four, though I always have to think about it because I can never remember. I went to college for words and languages, and now my job is words and websites.

I have two best friends who are my everything and my support team. One of them is currently out of the country for a few weeks and, goodness, I miss her. We run a blog reviewing young adult books.

I am a natural introvert who has successfully convinced most everyone that I'm an extrovert. For the most part, I'd rather be at home in my jammies cuddled with Oxford and a good book than be out with people. I'm trying to get over that, though, because I believe friendship is important and one should surround herself with friends. However, for the most part, I'd rather just spend time with my close group of friends and family.

I am that girl who always brings a book with her. This week it's an 800-page futuristic fairytale retelling.

Things I love: baking, writing, reading, photography, my puppy, my best friends, traveling, nutella hot chocolate, all chocolate actually, vintage books, all books, grammar, Christmas trees, warm fires, sunlight, summer days, cute shoes, adorable dresses, socks, pink, apple products

That, of course, is not an all-inclusive list. But at least you get the gist of things.

So why The Famous JB? It's a phrase that somehow got stuck to me years and years ago. I've even had random strangers (who knew nothing of The Famous JB line) say, "Ah, so you're the famous JB." Yeah, I'm definitely not famous, even in the (few) circles I run in. But here I am, embracing my fame.

I plan on this being a lifestyle blog. I had one of those once upon a time. It mostly focused on personal style, but lately I haven't been as interested in fashion as I once was. I still attempt to dress cute, mostly because dressing cute is too easy not to (cute dress, cute shoes, and you're good to go!).

One thing I'm excited to share is photography. I've had a DSLR for about four years, but only in the last year have I really delved into learning how to use it. By no means do I think myself a photographer. That's one of my pet peeves--people who get a DSLR and immediately start a "photography" business, despite not actually knowing how to use their camera and manipulate it to take beautiful photos. I hope to one day always get amazing photos out of it, but in the mean time, I'm certainly enjoying practicing with it and learning what different settings do.

We'll see how this thing turns out. In the meantime, I'm starting my new adventure.

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