Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mugs and Musings: Thanksgiving in Summer (And all year round)

You know gratefulness journals? Those things have become popular. I saw one at Target yesterday. How many times have you read or heard somewhere that you need to "think of three things you're thankful for every day" or "Write down 5 things you're grateful for each day." Well, I've tried this on and off over the last few years. Make a list of three things, of five things... literally counting my blessings. For some reason it can be difficult to think of five things every day, despite the fact I have so many things to be thankful for!

Recently, I decided to approach the gratefulness thing a little differently. I love my morning porch time with Jesus and I bring my journal outside with me. I start off by writing my weekly praise verse. (This week it is Psalm 145:1 - "I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.") Next, I move on to a section I call "Thanksgiving." I like to use the biblical word.

Here's how I do it: I just... ramble. I don't number my thanksgiving. I don't give myself a certain amount that I have to write. I don't think about it too hard. I just... write. And it is so much easier!

When I numbered my blessings, I felt like each number had to be important or special or big. Now that I just ramble, I can think of so many wonderful things I'm grateful for--especially the little things. I think it's so important to find the beauty and thanksgiving in the little things. I can't tell you how many days my thanksgiving looks like this: "The birds singing and the squirrels chirping; the cup of hot tea I'm drinking; my porch; the yummy pie I made yesterday..."

See? Little things! Simple things! Maybe they aren't "worthy of a number" but they are things I'm truly grateful for. Things I might not have thought of previously because they didn't seem "important enough." But... they are. Anything I am grateful for... that's important.

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