Friday, January 11, 2019

DIY Produce Bags

 After writing down some of my goals/intentions for 2019, I found myself doing some research (i.e. Google and Youtube) about ways I could implement my "going green" goals. I had the idea that I should buy a "no waste utensil travel kit" with a fork, knife, spoon, straw and napkin. Etsy has so many cute ones! But then I was like, why would I buy a pack of utensils when I have a ton around the house? (Except for the straws, which I've been meaning to get some for a while now.)

So I found myself watching YouTube videos on how to sew a little utensil pouch I could take on the go with me. Which then turned into watching videos about DIY grocery bags and produce bags. You know how the YouTube thing goes.

Anyway, I only have one small reusable bag that is a good size for produce, so I decided to dig through my fabric and make another one! I watched several tutorials but ultimately decided to wing it, which is honestly how I do much of life! lol. By no means is it perfect, but I think it will do the job nicely. Plus it's exciting to use a little bag that I made myself! I'll probably make a few more of them soon!

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