Thursday, March 3, 2016

Looking Sharp

dress: bought from a friend
tights: Target
wedges: TJ Maxx
watch: Kate Spade
scarf: Rachel brought it back for me from Singapore!

Guess who discovered the sharpen feature in photoshop this week? I think I may have overdone it a bit (or a lot) in these photos, but I kind of like the outcome. 

I'm so grateful that the longer days allow me to take photos during the magic hour! Over the last year, I've really learned to love the last hour of sunlight as I've experimented with my camera. Mom and I have been taking walks the last few days after work, and I'll be sharing some of the photos we took. The light has been absolutely gorgeous! I want to go out with my tripod soon and play around with taking some outfit photos. (I guess--since I'd be taking them myself--they'd be selfies?)

I took these a few weeks ago with the tripod and remote. One thing I need to do is experiment with different angles and distances in order to get a greater variety of shots. If you know of any fashion bloggers who have exception photos, please give me their blog names! I'd love to take a peek at their photography style!

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