Friday, December 29, 2023

Hello 2024

Here's my goals for 2024.

Continue the good habits I've created | Budgeting, meal and grocery planning, Bible reading, reading, bread making 

Declutter | Over the last few months, I've been decluttering. Slowly, but surely. This year, I need to focus on my craft room. It really overwhelms me. There's so much craft stuff and it also becomes a catch-all. (There's currently a ton of laundry from our mission trip, a Christmas tree I had to move in there because our wobbly cat kept knocking it over, and a pile of laundry I need to iron, not to mention TOO MUCH FABRIC.) I've wanted to sew today but don't want to dodge the things. This is a problem, which makes it a priority. I don't want to be overwhelmed by stuff anymore. 

Actually stick to a home cleaning program | This has been on my list for years. And maybe I don't actually need it. I feel like the house is usually in an okay-ish state and, honestly, that's enough for me. But I wouldn't mind it being in a more okay state. I created a document today that is a cleaning program I used years ago. Now I just gotta give it a shot!

Paint the living room | The living room paint is worse for wear. AND it's gray. It's a rental, but we're here longterm and we're allowed to paint. I want to go with a light pink/beige color. I'm honestly intimidated to get the wrong color, but I need to just go for it and refresh the living room. So this year... we paint the room pink! (And also probably repaint the trim because it NEEDS it.)

Add one more thing to my grocery list | I've got someone in my life who has fallen on rough times and has been relying on the food pantry. I'm so glad there are programs designed to help people in need. I want to help, but we live on a small budget. I wondered, "How can I help people when my budget is already stretched thin?" And I decided that I can buy one thing each week to put into a local blessing box. It's not much, but perhaps over the year it will add up to help others. It will also be my personal reminder that God has blessed me, and I will bless others. Even when I don't feel like I have a lot, I have more than enough, and I want to share that with others. 

Crafting | I'd like to finish the Works in Progress as a way to fulfill my "decluttering." And make 12 NICU quilts.

Reading | Let's start with a goal of 50 and see how things go.

Adoption | Raise enough funds to officially start the adoption progress (we were told we need to have $10,000 before we get started so we can do the first steps of the process). And, well, hopefully even more so we can really get the ball rolling. Once we get our home study done, I'd like to apply for grants to help with funding.

Marriage | Implement date night again. We used to be so good at this and I'm not sure when we fell off the bandwagon. Life's been so busy and, with a tight budget, we're not really able to go do "fun" stuff. I guess I lost my momentum. We need to get the ball rolling again, though.

Spiritual | Continue my study through the Bible and have grace with myself when it feels like I'm going slowly. Strengthen my prayer life. Write SALT lessons (I think about praying using The Lord's Prayer as a template). As for Sabbath, I do like not getting on social media once I'm home from church. 

Other things I'd like to do more of but will have to make a plan for implementing:

- spend more time outside 
- spend more time OFF phone (listen to that book)

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