*I'm currently doing a study of David and want to share with you what I learn along the way! Today we're in 1 Samuel 17*
David and Goliath. One is a giant. One… not so much.
Thing is, we don’t really know how tall David was. I was reading 1 Samuel 17 and wondered how much taller Goliath was than David. Goliath is said to be nine foot nine. When David is described, the Bible doesn’t bother to mention his height. I guess it wasn’t important enough to note.
David’s height didn’t matter anyway. He had God on his side.
It didn’t matter how tall he was. It didn’t matter how young he was. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t equipped with armor or a sword or a shield. God was enough.
By human standards, David wasn’t qualified to go out and face Goliath. The boy wasn’t even in the army! He was a shepherd and a musician. An animal-loving harpist does NOT seem like the best guy for the job. And actually… he wasn’t the best guy for the job. There’s someone already there on the battlefield who is very skilled, has tons of experience, and… is tall. That someone is King Saul.
When we meet King Saul in 1 Samuel he’s described as “a head taller than anyone else” (1 Samuel 9:2). In fact, the Bible mentions his height a few times. I guess Saul’s height WAS important enough to note.
So if Saul is the tallest one there, it would seem as though he would be the most capable man for the job, right? But Saul was not called to kill Goliath. God had chosen David.
When God calls us to do something for Him, He gives us what we need—not what we THINK we need. David didn’t need a sword or a shield or a few more feet of height to conquer Goliath. He used what he already had—a slingshot. He already had what he needed.
You may feel like the least capable person for the job. You might be looking at Saul and thinking, “He’s way more capable! He has experience! He has a sword! He’s tall!” Stop comparing yourself to others’ talents, abilities, and experience. If God has called you, then you can rest assured that He has already given you what you need.
You may feel unequipped for what God has called you to do. You might be looking at your slingshot and wishing you had a sword. Just like David’s height, what you don’t have isn’t worth noting. With the Lord on your side, you have everything you need. So go fight your giant.
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