1. Cold treats | Give me ALL the snowballs (known as snow cones everywhere else besides South Louisiana). A few of the stands here have a "Barbie" flavor that is PINK. I don't remember what flavors are in it, but it sure is tasty with some sweet cream. Also ice cream. A few years ago I decided to embrace the waffle cone, so I gotta get a scoop of ice cream in a waffle cone when we come across an ice cream shop.
2. Watermelon | This is one of those things I like but don't love, but as soon as summer hits I need a few pieces of watermelon. (Today I mixed some chopped watermelon with some sauteed zucchini, chili lime seasoning, and feta cheese. Yum.)
3. Fans on | I sleep with the fan on every night and have since I was a child. But I'm embracing turning ALL the ceiling fans on. We live in an old house so it doesn't have the best insulation and it can easily get up to 76 (or higher, yuck) as the AC fights to keep the house cool. Fans keep the house much cooler and the breeze just feels... summery.
4. Closing the blinds and curtains | I'm that person who likes to get up and open all the blinds... but lately I've just been leaving them closed. We still get PLENTY of sunlight and keep some of that coolness in. Also last summer I thrifted these super cute (read: they look like they came out of a granny's house) pink and green floral curtains that bring SO MUCH LIFE to our emerald green dining room. They're super cute and when they're closed the light coming through is PINK. Keeps out the heat AND turns the room pink? Yes, I'll take it.
5. Iced Chai lattes | Last month we picked up an iced chai latte mix on a whim and now we're obsessed. Even though I don't like hot Chai tea. But this stuff? Oh, it's the best. (Especially since I had to give up coffee last year--I still miss iced coffee.)
6. Sandals | I actually started embracing sandals for the first time last year when someone recommended Mia sandals to me. I LOVE them. They're so comfy and go with anything.
7. Swingy cotton dresses | It's too hot to have fabric touching me, so I want loose-fitting dresses. Preferably made in breathable cotton. I've made a few and want to make some more to add to my wardrobe!
8. Staying hydrated | Two and a half years ago I left my beloved water bottle somewhere and I was devastated. So I went on a mission to find the perfect water bottle. Requirements: Be insulated, have a wide neck opening to add ice, have a lid with no straw, preferably one that didn't require being spun off, and must fit in the cup holder. Behold, I found the perfect water bottle and have been adding cute stickers to it. I just got a "Hydrate or Die-drate" one because that is our saying at camp every year. Also, it's pink.
9. Beach | Honestly, I've never been a beach person. Something about that sunburn I got at the beach at the age of 9 traumatized me. Thankfully I've since discovered sunscreen and I like to apply generously and often. Casey had a job at the beach the other day (it's only like an hour and a half away from us, which I always forget because we've only been a few times in the four years I've lived here), so I went with and we spent an hour or so at the beach at the end of the day. We're in the middle of a HOT summer (it's like, August temps outside and it's only mid-June) so it was so lovely to cool off in the ocean. We took a gallon of water and sandwich stuff (and sunscreen) and got some ice cream at a local shop and had a lovely, impromptu day trip.
10. Being Barefoot | Yet another thing I've always hated. Seriously. I'm either in shoes or socks at all times. Barefoot is yuck. BUT. It feels so summer-y (and cool, let's be honest) walking around barefoot. Do I like that my dirty feet keep reminding me of the fact that I need to vacuum? (In my defense, I've been sick all week, so I'm behind on housework.) No. But it's fine. I'll just sit on the bathroom counter and wash my feet off in the sink. (Yet another thing I've done since I was a child and people think it's very weird.) (And yes, I'll get around to vacuuming soon.)
11. Grocery pick up | I really hate it (I actually enjoy perusing a nice grocery store--I really like Rouses), but we're in a season of sticking to a pretty tight budget, and this really helps me stay within that budget. Due to an unpredictable schedule and only having one car, it's easier to plan our pick up than to figure out which day we have enough time to go grocery shopping. So I've been planning out a menu (I'm embracing simpler meals and trying to not overthink it, so menu planning actually is working--yay!) then placing an order for Casey to pick up.
12. The Lazy Genius | She has changed my life. Seriously. The Bible is the only book that's changed my life more. I've gotten so many cool ideas from her books and podcast and Instagram that are helping me "be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't." (That's her tagline, btw.) I just went through her list of summer meals for some new inspo for meals in the upcoming months (I'm tired of the same meals we've been rotating through) and my goal is to embrace this season of life (which is one of the Lazy Genius principles).