Friday, January 11, 2019

DIY Produce Bags

 After writing down some of my goals/intentions for 2019, I found myself doing some research (i.e. Google and Youtube) about ways I could implement my "going green" goals. I had the idea that I should buy a "no waste utensil travel kit" with a fork, knife, spoon, straw and napkin. Etsy has so many cute ones! But then I was like, why would I buy a pack of utensils when I have a ton around the house? (Except for the straws, which I've been meaning to get some for a while now.)

So I found myself watching YouTube videos on how to sew a little utensil pouch I could take on the go with me. Which then turned into watching videos about DIY grocery bags and produce bags. You know how the YouTube thing goes.

Anyway, I only have one small reusable bag that is a good size for produce, so I decided to dig through my fabric and make another one! I watched several tutorials but ultimately decided to wing it, which is honestly how I do much of life! lol. By no means is it perfect, but I think it will do the job nicely. Plus it's exciting to use a little bag that I made myself! I'll probably make a few more of them soon!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

2 0 1 9 | Goals and Intentions

When I wrote my 2019 post, I was really expecting it to be more along the lines of goals and intentions I have for the new year, but it turned into an entirely different thing. No problem, it was all good stuff. But I do have some things I want to implement in this new year. Nothing is finalized or set in stone, but here are some things I've been thinking about working on this year.


  • Make 2019 marriage goals. Casey and I discussed some ideas a few months ago about ways we can be more intentional in our marriage, and I'd love to implement those ideas this year. We wrote down our family priorities and would love to make an actual game plan on how to actively work on those priorities.
  • Work with Casey to create a family budget. I used to do Dave Ramsey and loved it, but have never done it with someone else, so I know it will take some getting used to! However, I know it's totally worth it and look forward to it.
Going Green
  • I've had some setbacks with trying some natural products. In the last few months I've struggled with finding natural shampoo and deodorant that meet my needs, so I'm using conventional products until I do more research and try to find something else that will really work for me. Instead of getting discouraged, I want to keep moving forward, even if more slowly than I anticipated. 
  • Switch up my skin care. I've been using natural skin care on my face for a few years now, but I want to switch it up. However I'm a cheapskate and the things I want to try are pretty pricey. So... maybe wait until 2020? haha.
  • I wrote a post with some of my Going Green goals and I'd love to mark some more off my list this year! I think some easy to implement ones are to make more of an effort to not use straws (and bring my own reusable stainless steel ones... which I still need to get) or plastic one-use cutlery. I also want to put a few of my reusable grocery bags in Casey's car so I'll have them on hand if we're making an unplanned grocery stop. Oh! And I want to figure out how to use a laundry line outside to hang dry our white towels. 
  • Make more of an effort to be a friend. Since moving, I've found out a lot of my friends from working camps every summer live super close to me! I've gone out with several of them for lunch, but would like to do a better job at maintaining those relationships.
  • Read more. I used to be such a reader, but not so much in the last few years. I probably just need to make a goal and stick to it!
  • Create a cleaning schedule for my home. I did this years ago and it worked wonders for me! I don't really like cleaning, but FlyLady's methods were very helpful to me. I usually keep a nice house (don't look now--I've been stuck on the couch sick for 2.5 weeks and the house is baaaaad) but a schedule would help me with the "deep cleaning" that I tend to put aside until absolutely necessary.
  • Read the Bible through. It's been a few years since I've read the Bible through in a year, and I want to do it this year because I do well with daily structured reading. Otherwise I have a bad tendency to slack on Bible reading. I'm using my One Year Bible. I've read the One Year NLT version through multiple times, but this year I'm using the ESV version. God has already been opening my eyes and speaking to me through the daily readings!
  • Increase my prayer life. Let's be honest, this is on my list every year. Some days I do great, other days... not so much. But it's important and oh so worth it! 
  • Work with Casey on a special project for the youth of our church. We've had this idea for a while but the implementation is difficult and we don't exactly know how to start. But I believe it is an idea from God, and I know He will bless our efforts if we step out in faith to launch this new ministry!
So those are the things that have been on my mind! We will see how they go. I do love new beginnings like the new year. However, the beautiful thing is that each day is an opportunity for a fresh start! Whether I accomplish all these things this year or maybe just a few of them, I know this will be a year to grow and bloom!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

2 0 1 9

It's 2019! How crazy is that? Like, wasn't it 2000 just a few years ago? No? Almost two decades now? Time flies.

Unfortunately my 2019 has been eventful already and not in a good way. I've been to the ER twice, had my first and second (and hopefully last) IVs, been diagnosed with strep throat, had an allergic reaction to the medication that made my face swell (I've refused to look in a mirror for three days), got more medication and a shot in the butt, and now I hope I'm FINALLY on the mend. Oh, this is also taking place after having a cold for three weeks.

Needless to say, I'm ready to be better so I can really get my 2019 started! I've spent the last 2.5 weeks on the couch trying to let my body heal, but I guess it was enjoying streaming Netflix a lot and decided to make me sick a few more days. So in the meantime, our house is a mess and we still have stuff in suitcases from our trip to Singapore/Malaysia. I keep having to remind myself that life goes on, even with a dirty house and the Christmas decor still out, and I'll get everything back in order "one day".

Casey has been the greatest blessing during these last few weeks, attending to my every need, holding my hand in the ER as I freaked out about the needles and IVs, making me food so I don't have to get up, attempting to handle the laundry (ya'll know that's a JOB), staying up with me all night as I fight fevers and sleeplessness, taking care of (and spoiling) Oxford. The list goes on and on.

The last few weeks haven't been fun, but it has forced me to work on focusing on my blessings instead of my temporary problems. That's a tough one for me to do sometimes. Most people don't believe it because I try to be positive, but I'm naturally pretty melancholy, a glass-half-empty type of person. This can be mentally unhealthy, so focusing on the good helps me turn my mindset around! Over the last few years I've learned that I am the one who chooses my attitude, and gratitude helps me get my attitude in check!

So here are some things I'm thankful for.

  • That I have a husband who treats me like a queen, even when I'm a royal pain in the butt.
  • That I didn't get strep (or have an allergic reaction) while in Asia. 
  • That I get to enjoy our beautiful home and our lovely green velvet vintage couch and comfy papasan all day every day.
  • That, even though it's not Christmas anymore, I still get to enjoy our Christmas decor (which is great since we were gone for two weeks of December).
  • That I have a lot of friends all over the world who have been covering me in prayer the last few weeks.

See? So much to be thankful for! And today, the sun is streaming through the windows, which puts an extra smile on my (still swollen) face.

When I sat down to write this post I had no idea where I was going, but as words poured out of my brain, I'm realizing that a good word for this year for me would be gratitude or thankfulness. To be intentional about finding the good every single day, even on the bad days and the sick days and the rainy days. There is always good to be found.

Sometimes the good is obvious, like on a day when you're hanging out with your friends in Singapore enjoying milk tea at Selfie Coffee, bubble tea at Gong Cha, Kaya Toast and a Milo Dinosaur at Toast Box (I promise we do things besides eat, but food is one of my favorite things), walking around Chinatown searching for souvenirs, participating in Vacation Bible School with a talented team of young adults and teenagers who've become your second family over the years. Ah yes, those days are good.

Sometimes the good is less noticeable, but it's there. The happy squirrel you spot playing outside the window while you wash dishes. Having a cup of tea in your favorite tea cup. Cuddling with your puppy. Your cute reusable grocery bag. Sunshine streaming through the window. A walk downtown to your favorite coffee shop. All small, simple things, but these small things have great power to remind me of beauty, love, and hope.

So now that this post has gone down a road I never expected it to go down (I guess that's what happens when I don't have a plan), let's end it with some scriptures about thankfulness!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

Here's to having an attitude of gratitude in 2019!