I do. And generally I think nothing of it and go back to my own business.
But today I found myself thinking this about someone and then my mind went to, “I don’t know what he’s going through. He could be facing something really difficult right now.” And my perspective changed.
I truly believe that was God leading my thoughts, reminding me that I don’t always know what people are going through, and sometimes the way they act isn’t out of spite or because they’re cold or mean. It’s because they’re hurt. Lonely. Sad. Anxious. Guilty. Depressed. Burdened.
It’s in those moments that it’s so important to let our light shine for Jesus. He can heal every hurt they have. He can rescue them from their sin and guilt. He can take away their anxiety and depression. He is everything they need, and it is my responsibility as a Christian to act like Christ so they have a safe place to run to.
The other night, Baron spoke about being fishers of men (I hope to do a reflection on his sermon soon, because it truly impacted me), and one of his points was that to be a fisher of men, we have to be a friend. We have to care about the person. Their interests, their struggles, their accomplishments. And when someone opens up to us and starts talking, that means they have received us. And once they have received us as a friend, they will be able to accept Christ as well.
Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.
Matthew 10:40
Today I encourage you to take an extra moment to talk to the person who wants to chat. To give a smile to someone who seems sad. To give an encouraging word to a friend you have. It may lead them to Christ.